Happy Monday darlings! I trust your weekend was great! I resumed work today with mixed feelings. Battling the almost three hours long traffic to work was definitely maddening (frowns). According to the world's standard the "honeymoon" is over but for me my "HONEYSUN" is just starting and will certainly never end as long as I have breathe. (Crackle) 

Shortly, I will be posting tidbits and pictures from my white wedding (menh, the pictures are so many) to share the beautiful moments with you.

Oya, back to the matter..... I took this picture on a bored Saturday when I was feeling art –y, after hitting the gym. I wanted a photo that depicted character in the midst of travesty. For instance a beautiful flower growing amongst thorns, weeds and grass. 

This was to illustrate a vital understanding I come to know, which is, no matter the circumstances, you are born into, are faced with or encounter in life, the choice to do battle (with knowledge of assured victory) or to give in like a doormat and toll the line of least resistance, is yours!

Never take the easy way out by succumbing to the lures of lecherous, greedy and selfish men and women, in all the guises they come in, due to your present circumstance or the need to fit in, because they are fleeting.

Cling tenaciously to the word of God, which says you are more than a conqueror. Conquerors don’t blend in, stick to the status quo or toll the line. 
Conquerors are called thus because,
They dared to be different,
They dared to believe that good trumps bad every time.
They dared to have principles and stuck to it. 
They dared to think outside the box.
They dared not to belong but to stand out
Disregarding their present or past circumstance. 


Photography: Jefferson Arebun for MillarePhotos


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