Love Is Not The Word

Long distance loving can be very challenging in today's world, in spite of all that technology has done to bridge the gap. The pressures from friends, family and social media, that little insistent voice that whispers to you in mocking tones,"You are a fool" "He most likely is cheating on you right now". 

The awful feeling of loneliness you get when you are alone going through your social media and seeing your timeline flooded with pictures of cute couples on date night with the irritating hashtags #leboo, #mylover blah blah!. 
That hypertensive feeling you get from nowhere when you call his or her phone and get no answer consistently. Unwillingly, you become a social media stalker overnight seeing "strange woman signals" and fighting unnecessary battles.
Until you are repeatedly and consistently reassured you are beloved and sorely missed. 

I had a long distance relationship and can emphasize with some of the feelings above, despite being one of the "strongest" woman I know.

 This is one of those letters written to me with  reassurances that kept the doubts at bay. (even if it's only for a little while) I share this with you in hopes, that it encourages those of you in long distance relationships to keep the torches burning for your "deserving" loved ones, oceans aways.

Love Is Not The Word

On my lips still lingers the taste of our last goodbye
And like a statue by the hand of a master 
I sit here with a hero’s calm
Thinking in whispers—feeling things I cannot speak
Walking now this field of bearded Irises I keep picturing scenes
 Which will eventually become ingredients of future nightmares
This intensity with which I miss you can only mean one thing
That I do not love you
‘Cos love is too fickle a word 
To describe this lucky rain of emotions
With eyes which sparkle like brilliant points of light on a clear night sky
You’ve brought reality to all my wishes and thoughts
Thrilling my whole being immensely 
By the smile in your voice
Every time you say my name
A delicious vision is what you’ve become
To this lucky man that I am
And each day as I knead these feelings
I hope to find a word that will describe them most fittingly 
“Cos to me it’s most certainly clear
That love is not the word.


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