Small Bump

The joy of impending motherhood is one of life greatest pleasures. It's like hugging a fizzling champagne inside your heart and you almost always nearly burst for joy at the miracle of life, God gifted you.

I know this is no news to all the  spiritual supervisors and bump detector specialists, God has blessed me with in my life, but for the benefit of those of you who are like me and keep your noses where God intended it to be, I am expecting my own lovely bundle of joy! (grin)

Isn't that rad! To borrow a phrase from Sinach song, "just when I thought that he has done too much, Jesus did it again". I can't begin to express my joy and gratitude to God for this miracle of life growing steadily inside me. Most often I am overwhelmed by joy and yet petrified at the thought of another version of me or worse my husband in this tiny world (lol)
Will the next generation survive our super offspring I wonder(grin)

Anyways I wanted to finally share my joy with you. Now you understand some of the reasons for my new curves in strategic places and tea replacement woes.
I will certainly share my style transformations, mental strides and body changes with you. So hang on for the ride which I bet will be smooth because I have you to share thoughts and vent with.

Till next time


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