Sneakers Attitude

Hi, STYLE lovers. Have you noticed that your steps can vary from sexy to bouncy depending on the footwear you are currently wearing? From stilettoes, wedges to sneakers, each footwear has a its own signature attitude that it forces us to wear in order to show off itself in the best light possible (Vain right? Lol. Who knew footwear had character. 

Anyway, wearing this peach sneaker from MPR was rad and super comfy, making me take lazy bouncy steps screaming effortless swag. What shoe attitude are you rocking today? Do share below in the comment section. 

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @millarefashion and @millicentarebun for more style and lifestyle posts from around the world. 


Photography: Jefferson for MillarePhotos
Sneakers: MPR


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