Tea Musings| The Picture In Our Head

"What screws us most in life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be" - Unknown

Good morning darlings! I bet you are geared up to have a great day today. If not, click HERE to find out how to ensure you have a great day.

While browsing my Pinterest wall this morning, I came across this quote and pondered on how truly apt it is. Almost all the heartaches, headaches and emotional turmoil we face as human beings can be traced to the picture in our head of how "it's" supposed to be. Unfortunately, this "picture" oftentimes is unreasonable, been that it's shaped by unrealistic elements such as the movies, society, greed, novels , comics and even cartoons.

Imagine a girl who grew up reading romance novels without reasonable filters, tailoring her real life beau expectations to the make-believe male hero in her novels; who is an alpha male with caveman tendencies, mile wide chest, cute butt, and 100 packs.  Yet is the Ceo of a conglomerate who wears torn jeans, a dirty eat-shit-and-die grin and is ready to take on the world and its brother for her. A bad boy, tycoon, hero and stud all wrapped up in one package. (Where you wan see am ole). Any physical male she has to settle for will definitely come up short.  Hence the disillusion.

I don't even want to get started on the society and movies! (Scowl). Why do we set ourselves up for disappointments I pondered. I am yet to find an answer.

Is it a case of seeing life through rose-tinted glasses? Is it optimism? Or just plain foolishness. Do we stop having expectations? If so what would  become of us? I wonder...

Do share your thoughts on the matter. Maybe, just maybe we will find the answer to the world's problem (grin )



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