Dare to Begin!
Hi darlings, it’s a new year and I am sure most of us is afire with new resolutions and projects lined up to actualize our dreams and end goal for the year. Unfortunately, this purposeful passion often dies out, as weeks and months roll by without us putting our maximum best into making these projects and resolutions a reality.
I always carry out my resolutions for the year but I find myself always in a quandary when it comes to making my projects for a new year a reality. This year I am determined to see my projects through to the glorious end. In order to fulfill my vow to self, I've read tons of books prayed and sought inspiration from the almighty. The best thing I have learned or gleaned so far is to DARE TO BEGIN!
Daring to begin, takes faith (calling things that be not as though they are) or guts in layman terms. Close your eyes to the seemingly insurmountable mountain of the economic situation, triple zero bank accounts, those that tells you to wait for a while or that your dream is unrealistic, the stiff competition in your area of interest and the million other reasons why your dream, goal, resolution or project is not feasible NOW.
The one thing you owe yourself is to dare to begin and I promise you, things will work themselves out.
I will be sharing my tips on actualizing your projects for the year bi-weekly on the blog all through this year. Together we will make our dreams and projects a reality irrespective of what comes our way. (Can I hear an AMEN somebody!) lol
Do share your dream or project actualization lessons and tips with us in the comment section below (Don’t be stingy with wisdom abeg)
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