Tips To Keep Your Home Organised As a Woking Mom

Hello darlings, how have your weekends been? I hope it was as productive as mine 😅. I spent my entire day cooking for the fam. A bi-weekly ritual of mine when I stock up in fresh produce, provisions and cook all the “cookable” that will cater to all the food needs of the family for two weeks. 👸🏽 (Check out my insta -stories for all the BTS of my entire day @millarefashion @ millarefashion_2 @millicentarebun)

This☝🏾 shaves off hours in daily food perps as all I do is, defrost and cook minimally. It frees up more precious time which allows me to focus more on work, kids, other side deals and home management. All these without burning out. For instance, if anyone wants to eat rice, all we have to do is toss some rice in the boiler, microwave the very fresh (frozen) stew, add some pre-cooked refrigerated side dish and viola. In just under fifteen minutes tops, a three-dimensional healthy meal is ready.
So yes, this is one of the vital ways I organise and balance my home as a working mom. (for those of you who have often wondered aloud how I manage to keep my home always so clean, perfectly arranged, have time to actually enjoy my kids, yet excel at my 9-5 and still have time for other interests /zealously serve in the house of God😇🤩😂😞🥶😎👸🏽👸🏽. FYI: I actually have OCD concerning clutter and disarray. It drives me completely nuts and disturbs my peace on a fundamental level. I will gist you that in another blog post soon😜😂

The main secret to my success though is that I have HELP! Both from my very heroic husband who takes on a lot on himself for me and my employed CAREGIVER!! (Whom my husband also insisted on btw🤣 since he wanted a sane healthy wife he can enjoy life with😅) .

I will put up a post by Tuesday on a few more tricks I have to “LIVING A BALANCED LIFE AS A MOM-PRENUER. Till then stay strong mamas and remember to take out time to take care of YOURSELF!!!.



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