Healthy Living | My Secret Weight Loss Pill

Hello darlings, are you like me that is caught in a constant battle for supremely with postpartum belly fat or battling plain ole belly fat. This combo of cucumber, ginger, garlic, lemon , mint leaves , honey, cinnamon, and apple vinegar  may just be the elixir you have been looking for . 

It sure works for me when I pair with it with  binge drinking of black and green tea during a detox. Heads up though, it can park a mean punch and can make you hyper . So try it in the  mornings or early evenings (at least 5hrs before bedtime) on an empty stomach. 

The trick is to know what your body can handle without your system going into overdrive. Also it’s best to do this during weekly overall detox or intermittent fasting days for maximum results . 

Ok, that’s all , never let it be said that I don’t share 😂 hehehe 

Till next time 


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